
Referendum Party - Prologue

PROLOGUE He wondered if the rope was strong enough.  He’d paid enough for it. The girl had been cute, he almost thought not to go through with it. Then he remembered Oswald's words, he remembered what he faced. So he tied the rope to the ring, still remembering the knot from his boy scout days.  He pulled on it, using his full weight, but it stayed fast.  It was secure. He was ready. He drank a glass of water.  He remembered his girls, worried how they would cope. But the money was safely hidden. And Camilla was smart enough to figure out the enigma after he left. He checked the envelope again – yes, everything was there. He stood up on the chair, put the rope around his neck, and - as he did most things in his life - he jumped without considering his decision any more. His last decision. There was a snapping sound as the odontoid process of his second cervical spine was snapped in two, penetrating his spinal cord and killing him instantly....